Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Yesterday, I attended a funeral. A funeral for a child that never had the chance to take her first breath. A child that was loved beyond words. This beautiful baby girl's heart stopped before she had the chance to meet the wonderful parents that brought her into this world. 

I can't imagine going home to see her little room all set up. To see all of her little clothes hanging in the closet ready to wear. I can't imagine walking into her room without...her.

I can't imagine being her mom. I can't  imagine being her dad. 

Her parents have an amazing faith in God. They weren't able to come home from the hospital with their baby but, instead with a box of mementos. Nonetheless, her parents don't blame God. They don't blame anyone. 

I will never forget what I felt when I watched these grieving parents walking out of the church carrying a tiny pink casket. 

I know they are devastated by their  loss and there are no words that anyone can say that will ease their pain. 

I ask if there's anything I can do.

Of course, there's nothing.

Nothing I can do will help them through this grief. 

On the other hand, they have a beautiful 3 year old daughter that is funny, talkative, imaginative, and full of life. She will help them go on. Her little giggle will still bring smiles to their faces. She'll probably ask a million questions, like, "am I still a sister?"

She will always and forever be a big sister to her angel sister in heaven. She's very lucky to have a special little sister who will be her beautiful angel watching over her each day.

If there's any comfort I can bring to this family it is this - they are loved. They are being prayed for by people they've never even met.

*I know this post isn't my typical post but, I have so many emotions over this families loss, I had to write.
HayleyGrace said...

Dealing with a lose, even of someone you never got to meet, is always difficult. All I can say is that God must have had an extra special plan for her.

Bev said...

What a horrible loss to this little girls parents, family and friends. I'm sorry you were a part of this loss.

I am glad that the parents have each other to get through these times, especially their 3 year old girl.

Theses are the things that bring us families closer together, and make everything else that people think are wrong in this world so SMALL!

Praying for you and those that were affected.

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